Chris Tann
JoinedTopics Started by Chris Tann
Is It Spirituality or Mentality?
by Chris Tann inthere are many religious people who say they pray for holy spirit and feel better.
some who are over stressed will say they keep praying for a calm disposition until the stress and anxiety disappears,claiming it is god's spirit.
others will ask jesus into their hearts and feel an overwhelming sensation of peace and clarity.
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann inas of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
can anyone verify the new "basic pioneer" rumor?
by Chris Tann inso it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
To Transfuse or Not To Transfuse
by Chris Tann inwhen my son became baptized as a witness at age nine, it worried me that he could now get a no blood card.
i wanted to make sure if blood transfusions were really as disgusting to "jehovah" as i was taught.
i already found out some things about my beliefs that were not true, so it wasn't hard for me to be questionable about this.. i first looked in the reasoning book under blood as to why we don't accept transfusions.
1914 or 1934 ?
by Chris Tann ini have thoroughly researched the watchtower doctrine of 1914, and am convinced it is neither biblically or historically correct.
but every now and then i wonder how ironic it is that world war 1 did start in that year, also pestilence and famine perused.
maybe, just maybe the witnesses are correct.